Hi! I'm Flan! Welcome to my site! This will be equal times a personal blog and an archive of everything I like. I am someone who is very passionate about their interests, and I just want to overshare in peace. So, this is supposed to be my own little space in that regard. Enjoy your stay! Here are some cool links to get to know me...
This is my Plastic Beach shrine, that attempts to emulate Murdoc's desktop from the Internet Explorer video. I have a serious problem with adapting my stuff to different resolutions. It's from last summer Lol.z....
I made this new about me page! I originally wanted to make something Song Machine-inspired (thus the residual image and gif) but I ended up doing 4chan idek man. I just like the layout it's clean
I thought this song might've been too corny for me (lots of love though I'm all for sickeningly emotional things), but it's been a week and I've been listening to it a lot. I guess it's the kind of track that grows on you. It's making me feel things i think
I've been meaning to post my collections online since I have many things I enjoy talking about, but I'm too awkward to make videos about them, so I'll probably stick to a website!... I want to take pictures of it and add sort of like a shelf to the site (I've seen many people do this, but I wanted to make it more interactive/with my actual items?). I got some french music magazines online and a Gorillaz Fnac promo pack (not for commercial sale... B) heh....) and I want to translate them or keep them somewhere online. They're on my REAL shelf anyway, so digital gadgets will be a secondary, just-for-fun thing!
Cool MASA Works DESIGN cover of one of my favourite songs by him, Star Lily Dance Performance! The deep vocals are entrancing and really odd... In a good way?? LUV.
Weathergirl by FLAVOR FOLEY is a lovely song featuring Eleanor Forte!! The music video is gorgeous and the lyrics nearly made me cry the first time I listened. I may be sensitive but I'm 90% positive that the song is just that good.
Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla... Music video here released on 2010 which was 14 years ago! Holy Moly!